Faith Like A Child

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Apple Crumble recipe

Due to popular demand, below is the recipe for making the apple crumble...Heez....Some I roughly estimated the erm...good luck trying...ahhaa... remember to trust your nose in this, as long it smell is great!

Preheat oven - 400 degrees F (200 degrees C.)

Crust - Short crust pastry or get a ready made one!

For filling
2-3 Green Apples (peel and slice them into thin wedges)
1/2 cup Brown Sugar and White sugar (mix)
cinnamon powder ( around 1 teaspoon, but is really up to you)
nutmeg powder (Just abit)
flour (add as you mix them, just enough to coat the apples)

Mix the above and line them on the crust.

The top crumble
1/2 cup Brown Sugar and White sugar (mix)
3/4 cup flour
6 tablespoon butter
Bit of cinnamon powder again
pinch of salt

Mix the above with your fingers till it looks like crumbs.
Pour them on top of your lined apples and....

Pop it into the oven and for 34 - 40 mins or till the top crust is slightly brown...

There you go, easy to make apple crumble yummy pie!


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