Wonderful christmas and now A New year have started

I am back! Gosh is been a while i updated my blog. Geez.. Well, many have known i had spend my christmas at Milwaukee with Pastor Chad and Daph and Wenjie. It was a very wonderful stay and having a chance to spend christmas in a american way, what else can I ask for? :) I recieve lots of presents and candies! Is like never ending. 1 stocking is full of M&Ms, Starburst candy stick, peanuts, nachos....TOYS! Well, 1 sad thing is...NO SNOW... My chance to see snow for the 1st time in my life...but....oh well... I was very well fed during my stay there, hardly hungry at all..hahah..always feel stuff up! I must have put on a couple or more KGs....
Back to Savannah, it took me the weekend to kind of settle in to my room. I spend weekends laying in my bed watching TV, other than going to church and stocking up my food. Monday was raining heavily. I entered the class drenched, the class had already started and is FULL....Everyone turn and look at me. Brrr... I am a "fallen soup chicken" ( understand?? go figure out..ahaha). This time, not much cute guys in all my classs ler....Sianz... but is ok, quite a few cute guys in my house. Muahhaha...Yeah! Alrighty, Gota go...

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