Missing you
I miss.....
.....the way you run to me when i kneel down
......seeing you laying there like a dead corpse when i come out of my room
.....the way your eyes lit up when i am having my meals
......you jumping onto my lap
.....your smell
.....you jumping into bed with me and we sleep together
.....your irritating barking
......rubbing that tummy of yours
.... the way you yawn
....... seeing you running around the house like crazy
.... showering you
........you sitting beside me while i do my sit-ups

.....running with you back home after our walk
.....hearing you whine when i clean your ears
......the way you sit on the top of the sofa like a lion king
....your rough play..biting me and pouncing onto me
.....seeing you run freely on the beach
...patting you to sleep
....the touch of the nice fur of yours....
.....you so so much.............
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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