The madness
Only 1 week left and is mid-term again. The days passed by so fast. Spring term i must say is the most eventful term. 2 weeks ago we just had our annual international festival. Me and Kiki spend almost 10 hours buying food, preparing and cooking the curry chicken that can feed 50 people. The event unfortunately have to end early due to a tornado warning. Each of us manage to earn $45 which is equal to only $4.50 per hr!!! Hahaa...we decided not to cook next year ( If i am still around). Last weekend i just got a really last minute email to head down to Atlanta for an internship interview with Blizzard(They did WOW..oowoooo. Me and Oscar ends up waking and waiting at our school building at 4am in the morning to head a free bus ride to Atlanta for the interview.We then ends up waiting for an hr for a bus that never appear. (Thee change of location was not updated and inform to everyone...sigh..This is my school for you). We have to go back home and get a ride from Kat and Don. Keeping the long story short...after waiting for like 5 hrs for my interview slot, it ends up Blizzard is not having internship for the east coast students till next year. In my head was this question : "SO WHY ASK ME TO COME FOR INTERVIEW TODAY!!!" Duhzzz.... I have no idea did my sch's career service messed up or whatever. Anyway i got a Blizzard Tshirt at the end of the interview. I guess that's one good thing and we head to the international area in atlanta and had some really good taiwanese snack food. Bean Curd drink with You Tiao.. Cha Chang Mien..Tang Bao etc...A pity my stomach was full after my bean curd drink and you tiao.
So far..I been just tired and my eyes been itching constantly. Other than my own classes, I am working on Aaron's senior project too. Today my friend just told me i been seen distracted...I think my professor know that too cause he asked aaron not to work me too hard. Thing is I am really excited to see his film been put together. I guess I have to focus more on myself. :)