Is been a while I blogged! Ever since i got into Facebook I just hardly write anymore assuming everyone saw my updates of my status and my photos. Ooppsss...
I don't know where to start...mmm..CNY have been fun..I had 2 celebration at 2 different place. Cory's was very traditional with all the customs of switching on all the lights in the house to drawing in orange skin through the door to bring luck to everyone. Each of us later on put in $5 each and had a game of Bingo. Most people won $10 each while I didn't win anything. Well, treat it as giving others the blessing. :D

At Stacy's place is all about food. We had hot pot in the lovely new place that James and Stacy have moved in. I am so happy they had move into downtown just 5 mins! We had about 30-40 ppl who came and go...Awesome...

Nothing really special on Valentine day itself but Aaron cooked me 2 dinners for me couple of days before valentines and the day before it he brought me out shopping at the mall. Bought me a pair of cool DC shoes and other little stufs. :D So that has been sweet. We had a few fights before. I was so mad i just walk out of his house. Yeah..i actually got a pretty foul temper like a bull..i warn ya.. Things have been good since then perhaps cause we just been so busy and tired with sch that we tend to be more understanding. :)
Weather today is strong chill wind that makes you wana stay indoor and seems like i caught a cold cause of the lack of sleep and the drastic change in weather. Brrr...3 weeks left for sch and 2 weeks to get work done. Is insane madness and stress...Well at least no more sinus..ooowhoooo~~~ Hallelujah!